Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations LOLER for arborists
What does Loler aim to ensure?
5/13/20241 min read

What does Loler aim to ensure?
All lifting operations are managed properly
Lifting systems must be properly designed
Lifting equipment is inspected and maintained to ensure that it is safe to use
Lifting equipment is fit for purpose
Equipment is regularly inspected to ensure it remains fit for purpose
Equipment is marked and any other information is provided to inform the user of the parameters of the use of that equipment
Equipment is uniquely identifiable and there is a differentiation between equipment use for lifting people and rigging equipment
For arborists this can be quite a daunting task to stay compliant with regulations such as LOLER, and this is only part of the over regulations for the management of health and safety at work, we also have to worry about PPE at work regulations, provision and use of work equipment regulations and working at height regulations.
LOLER inspections and certification are designed to cover all of the bullet points above and keep your business safe from unexpected occurrences.
But are they enough?
LOLER sets out a set of inspection intervals that should be adhered to for records keeping and traceability.
1. Pre use check
The operator should carry out pre- use checks before equipment is used, all operators should be able to recognise damage and defects to their equipment.
2. Interim inspection
Further inspections should be carried out between thorough examinations on items subjected to rapid deterioration, The operator should be competent enough to carry these out, for audit purposes the inspections should be documented and records should be available at the thorough examination.
3. Thorough examination
A thorough examination is carried out by a LOLER inspector and all previous thorough examination and interim inspection documentation should be available
4. Exceptional circumstance
Any item of equipment subject to an extreme occurrence (shock loading, high abrasion, excessive loading or impact) this must occur before an item is put back in service.
If you are an arborist in the Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, or greater London area and you need the advice of a certified LOLER inspector, then please do get in touch.